Information on IX Camps climbing Albarracín:
4 days climbing fanatic block in one of the meccas of bouldering.
dates: of Friday 30 from October to Monday 2 November 2020.
Places are limited: 12 climbers.
Suitable for climbers very fans, aged between 10 a 17 years.
Albarracin, It is a small village in the vicinity of Teruel. But where we are going to focus on these sojourns climbing it is in the forest of Albarracin and magical blocks. This incredible forest houses inside blocks and hundreds of millions of movements to climb. This has made international Albarracin one of the meccas of bouldering and thus create Camps bouldering in Albarracin.
Every day we activate the 9 in the morning for breakfast strong and go out and find new challenges for stringing. We visit each day a different sector to have a global view of the large area of Albarracin. Eat in the sector itself and when it gets dark back to the people, where we burn the remaining power play, reviewing photographs and videos of the day, analyzing blocks for the next day or even studying, If someone needs.
Small climbers live and be organized during 4 days in an environment that promotes fellowship, self-improvement, respect and ethical values.
Book now your place in camps for Albarracin!
Do not miss one of the 12 plazas.
Logistics and Travel:
Departure from Barcelona Friday 30 October return the Monday 2 of November. Two vans 7 plazas. Journeys from home to the bouldering area is carried out in vans.
Duration of the camp:
4 climbing days In block. Every day we activate at 8:00 to start climbing at 10:30 and we go home when our strength is exhausted.
A cottage where we stay is exclusively open to our camps. Dispose of 5 rooms with several beds, shower and wc, living room, heating and sheets.
Level of activity:
Albarracin Climbing Camps are designed for children aged between 10 a 17 years, but the most important thing is not age, it but the motivation for climbing. Albarracin has blocks blocks for all levels, des IV to 8b. Our climbing guides will encourage young climbers proposing autosuperarse blocks daily to suit their characteristics. = P1jL8d8ql7E
In Climb in Catalunya we strive to help families fulfill the dreams of leaving small house!
15% off for brothers performing together the reservation.
Do we include and other questions
Displacements Barcelona-Albarracin, round trip.
Displacements van.
Hosting the 3 nights.
Health insurance and liability insurance.
Diets 4 days. Not included the food of the first day ( 30 of October) or dinner on the last day (02 of November).
Monitors and guides climbing activity.
Crash Pads (but if you have yours, Contact us to arrange logistics.)
If you want to have a Crash Pad Ocun for you, to the book your place in the camps will have a climbing 29% discount on equipment Ocun.
Health insurance and liability insurance.
Different sets of clothes.
Warm clothing.
Footwear suitable for walking through the woods and to be comfortable in the sector (crocs o similar).
Personal hygiene kit.
personal first aid kit (If any special medicine is needed)
Cat feet
All these documents will be explained and sent to the book your place.
Book now your place in camps for Albarracin!
Do not miss one of the 12 plazas.
Any questions?