Description of ATR Advanced Training:

A climbing coach will plan your training to improve your performance in sport climbing and block up ...

You need to have a higher degree of climbing 7b.

individual trainings, exclusive and fully customized, with double sessions.

Follow our trainings in your usual climbing wall.

This training is designed to improve climbing performance sports climbers and block roads to reach an indicative grade 8a- 8b, but you who really sets the limit. Climbing coach will plan quarterly and follows the ATR method (accumulation, transformation and realization) to improve climbing looking for a high degree.

It is a workout where many double sessions, which means, we have to train in the morning and afternoon. Workouts that require a great effort. Weekly you can train between 2 until 6 sessions.

Planning this training is renewed every three months. Anyway, climbing coach contacts each week with the climber to resolve questions / problems and check the loads according to their evolution. further, each quarter a session is organized with the coach in one of the climbing walls where we work.

ATR advanced trainer: Technical climbing, INEF international climber; supervision of planning for senior technical climbing.

Book now your training ATR Advanced!

And start training as a / a authentic / professional climbing


Training features:

Test inicial, presential.
Test final, presential.
staff training.
Online format through Google Drive and mobile app.
They train all abilities.
Call coach every week.
You can workout at any climbing wall.
Discount for advanced ATR schedules 2 quarters, 3 or quarters 4 quarters.
Discounts on all training materials.


An ATR training is a method of training designed for constant training, for a minimum period that can range from 3 months to 1, 2 or even 3 year.

Thus, ATR our training schedules have a duration of 3 months and always designed to achieve real goals.



Our training ATR include:

Planning ATR 3 months by a senior technical climbing.
Online tab with training content through Google Drive.
Initial test and test end of each macrocycle. Presencial by coach.
Discount for buying the training material 10%.
Discount of 10% for future activities.

Our training ATR does not include:

Transportation to the climbing wall or entry.


1- Analysis of your faculties:

Once hired ATR advanced training, you will receive an online form for maximum information about you, your escalations, your goals and make a preliminary analysis of the type of training most appropriate to achieve your goals. The online form is very comprehensive and should be answered everything and well specified, no hurry. This training is very elaborate and very customized and everything will be tailored to your goals and your qualities.
After analyzing all the information online, Climbing your coach will contact by phone or mail to determine some concepts, and look for the day to perform the face physical test on one of the climbing walls where we work. It takes at least a 3 O 4 days to complete all tests with breaks indicated.
Once the coach has all the information and all test results, We start working; We do your personal training plan, task that needs two weeks of preparation. For the moment, You will receive a card routine so you can start working unloaded exercises and become familiar with the format of training. Once past two weeks, you will receive via mail your planning in digital format through Google Drive.

2- Planning:

At this time you will be given access to a Google Drive folder containing all the information of your training:
Important folders are: he planning calendar of your training; where you will see the days of training and information volume and intensity that will touch you work. And in second place, Folder mesocycle, where you will find the personal training record; This includes all exercises to be performed, number of moves, level blocks, loads in the dominated, suspensions ... This tab, You have space to add information that you consider important for your coach, as are the feelings that you had, for example.
After the first week, your coach will contact you to see how they have been the first 7 days and see if you need to increase or decrease the loads ...
Generally, unless otherwise specified, Workouts are weekdays and weekends are designed for rock climbing.

All the details

For training you must have the following material: gums various forces, Ballast vests, dominated bars, Table strips for suspensions, TRX or rings, ceiling climbing with different inclinations and many dams, bouldering area ...
Training can be done in the usual climbing wall; if not go to any, please contact us and we'll find the one that best suits your needs and location. IMPORTANT You have to be able to enter the climbing wall in morning and afternoon sesions.
The ATR is advanced planning 3 months. You decide when you want to start; once started training can not make stops. It is a continuous training 3 months.
And. All trainings are made by superior technical climbing.
All trainings are planned through personal tests to see the necessary loads for each climber, This prevents many injuries. In case of injury the training is interrupted.
Coaching is not an easy task for our body. If you have never trained, we recommend you start in the first month service training routines or planning ATR. The ATR advanced training is training very hard, with a clear objective: the climber get stronger than this and every time this goal is more difficult to meet.
Our lessons are available for both beginner and advanced levels. For beginners we have an introductory course as well as a full course The beginners’ introductory.

Book now your training ATR Advanced!

And start training as a / a authentic / professional climbing

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